IC Dream Whale
One day, the whale made a dream and came to a world of freedom, peace, beauty, no killing, abundant food and a clean environment. The whale was immersed in sleep and did not want to wake up. The dream was beautiful, but the reality was cruel.
For the whale's dream, we are creating IC Dream Whale NFT on the Internet computer and will distribute it free of charge to people with a sense of justice and a love of peace.
Holders of IC Dream Whale NFT (who can get the WhaleDao token airdrop in the future) can participate in the voting of WhaleDao, they can decide together the community's plan to help whales get a good living environment and realize the dream of peace.
After the tokens are listed, we will donate 10% of the tokens to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society to clean up ocean trash, stop whale hunting and protect the ecological environment.